AMacss™ ... World Class Automated Floor Router

The Manufacturing Test Process Is Complicated
Complex electronics products are fabricated, inspected, programmed, tested, diagnosed, repaired and upgraded at different, defined steps in the manufacturing process. Some of these process steps are mandatory and must be executed in the correct order before a unit may ship to a customer.

Different kinds of units may take different routes through the process. If a unit fails a step, it may need to retested, diagnosed, or repaired. Many hundreds of units may be "in process" at any moment. Time may be running out as the quarter comes to a close. The operators may be inexperienced. In short, much can go wrong without the proper automatic control and management!

AMacss™ Models The Manufacturing Floor And Gives You Control!
Based on years of practical manufacturing experience, Anagon has developed a powerful and flexible data model that can accurately describe your manufacturing floor. Your part numbers, test stations, operators, process steps, and routing requirements are all mapped into the AMacss™ system.

Before each unit is tested, the model is instantaneously read by all test stations on the floor. In this way, AMacss™ ensures that each unit is automatically routed to the correct step at the proper time. AMacss™ reduces floor chaos by providing real time control and management of the floor, automatically and continuously!

To Find Out More ...
AMacss™ is a state of the art routing system for the manufacturing floor. For more information we invite you to download an AMacss™ presentation in Adobe PDF®